
Flavors from Citrus Peels and their Functions in Food

Tanzeela Adeel, Adnan Tariq, Auranzaib and Monis Akber

The project carried out under the supervision of Dr. Shahina Mahmood who was the professor at Food Science Technology Department in the Karachi University Pakistan. We started our citrus fruits research project in September 2005, the concept project was the industry practical implementation of natural flavor of citrus fruits in different products like Candies, Yogurt and Apple Jelly and etc. for creating new taste and flavors. Citrus fruits have many useful benefits in food and cosmetic industries and the extract of citrus fruits can be used in different products and different textures. Initially we thought of comparing the synthetic flavors with the natural flavor and how much we can replace the artificial flavor with the natural flavor at industrial level. By applying the natural flavor in different products we found that natural flavor has strong taste which was not liked by the few students in university, even though we took proportionate amount compared to the synthetic flavor. At industrial level the synthetic flavor was found to be cheap in cost compared to natural flavor and because of the way it has been produced very low proportionate quantity can bring required changes in the flavor of the product. Also it was imported from Thailand and costs less then locally produced natural or artificial Citric flavor. During the midway life of our project and after doing numerous experiments we observed that the stability of the Products made with the natural citrus flavor exhibit more shelf life than the products made without citrus flavor This was a major discovery and observation as it completely changed the course and direction of our project, we started working on the new lines on identifying and establishing the facts on the importance of having Citrus flavor in products, its benefits, impact and showcasing the positive reactions of determining the antioxidant property of flavor in oil.

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Hamdard University
European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (EFITA)
International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF)
International Institute of Organised Research (I2OR)
Secret Search Engine Labs

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