
Students Becoming their Own Best Assessors

Dr Razia Fakir Mohammad

The discussion in this paper is rooted in the theoretical underpinnings that learning is bifocal – it is a social as well as an individual process and that assessment is integral to the learning process. Equalising self and peer assessment along with a tutor assessment, co-assessment, and invites learners to seek and interpret evidence of assessment - learners identify where they are in their learning and what actions for improvement are required. This form of assessment should influence not only the present activities but should enable improvements in future work of a similar nature. International research has demonstrated that using assessment to support teaching and learning can result in significant improvements. Assessment is an integral component of teaching and learning at any formal education level. The argument in this paper coincides with a worldwide emphasis on the use of assessment to improve learning rather than to solely focus on measuring student achievements during narrowly defined and conducted tests.