आयतन 6, मुद्दा 1 (2017)

शोध आलेख

Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPS) and their Role in Livelihood Economy of the Tribal People in Upper Brahmaputra Valley, Assam, India

  • Apurba Saikia and Manash Pratim Borah, Roshan Sarmah and Anima Kutum

समीक्षा लेख

Bio-Control Potential of Microbial Antagonists Against Post-Harvest Diseases of Fruit Crops: A Review

  • Parthasarathy S, Rajalakshmi J, Narayanan P, Arunkumar K and Prabakar K

शोध आलेख

Computer-Assisted HPLC Method Development Using DryLab for Determination of Major Phenolic Components in Corchorus olitorius and Vitis vinifera by using HPLC-PDA-ESI-TOF- MSn

  • Heba Handoussa, Rasha Hanafi, Ahmed El-Khatib, Michael Linscheid, Laila Mahran and Nahla Ayoub