
Square Graceful Labeling of Some Graphs


A ð�?. ð�?�? graph G = ð�?�?, 𝐸 is said to be a square graceful graph ifthere exists an injective function f: V 𝐺 → 0,1,2,3, … , ð�?�?2 such that the induced mapping ð�?�?ð�? : E 𝐺 → 1,4,9, … , ð�?�?2 defined by ð�?�?ð�? ð�?¢ð�?£ = ð�?�? ð�?¢ − ð�?�? ð�?£ is an injection. The function f is called a square graceful labeling of G. In this paper the square graceful labeling of the caterpillar S ð�?�?1, ð�?�?2, … , ð�?�?ð�?�? , the graphs ð�?�?ð�?�? −1 1,2, … ð�?�? ,m𝐾1,ð�?�? ∪ ð�? ð¾1,ð�?¡ , 𝐾1,ð�?�? , ð�?�?ð�?�? =1 ð�?�?ð�?�? â¨�?𝐾1 − ð�?�?,H graph and some other graphsare studied. A new parameter called star square graceful deficiency number of a graph is defined and the star square graceful deficiency number of the cycle 𝐶3 is determined. Two new definitions namely, odd square graceful labeling and even square graceful labeling of a graph are defined with example.

अस्वीकृति: इस सारांश का अनुवाद कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता उपकरणों का उपयोग करके किया गया है और इसे अभी तक समीक्षा या सत्यापित नहीं किया गया है।

में अनुक्रमित

Academic Keys
Cosmos IF
Hamdard University
World Catalogue of Scientific Journals
International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF)
International Institute of Organised Research (I2OR)

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