
Eco-Zero Weeding- A Panacea Shrine for Total Solution in Agriculture

Yadav RC

Problem of weed control is a major factor that entails loss in productivity, environmental pollution, reduction in drudgery in agriculture and food production and a major challenging task. Food is basic need of human and concern all rich and poor, developed and developing countries of the world. An innovative practice of eco-zero weeding agriculture was developed on innovative application of nitrogen cycle management. The new concept of eco zero weeding agriculture was proven by field study conducted in crucial region of Bihar where horticulture has high prospects, produced an exemplary yield of of garlic (Alium sativa L) 125 q/ha against fully weeded manually conventional practice 36 q/ha. The resulting land equivalent ratio was over 3.5 and net return enhanced to Rs 374312 (US$6240)/ ha against benefits of Rs103000/ha (US&1585) with weeding. This eco zero weeding is applicable to all crops and ecosystems. The eco-zero weeding also surpasses all known or other upcoming innovative technologies for weed management in agriculture. The exemplary enhancement in yield by this innovative technology proves to be new way of overcoming widespread shortage of fixed natural resources the Earth and control of emission of GHG nitrous oxide.

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European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (EFITA)
International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF)
International Institute of Organised Research (I2OR)
Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Secret Search Engine Labs

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