
Design of a Wall-Heater-Solar Water

Ellassoued R

In this article, two different conceptions of a wall solar water heater, one has the integrated storage and the other in thermosiphon with innovation consist on removing any connection by a thread and/ or internal welding of the sensor and the storage of hot water have been built and tested. The design of the new type of solar water heater integrated with facades is coming after a pre-required and previous studies, namely the knowledge of the Constitution of the solar water heater with its two components the sensor and the storage, the existence of the concept of the wall Trombe well-known as well as the heating by facade itself formed by the solar sensor in air. Our work leads to the innovation of wall solar water heater with integrated storage, where the sensor and the storage are an integral part of the general design of the building and a wall thermosiphon solar water heater, where the sensor is in the facade and the storage to the interior. The benefits of the integration of the solar water heater to the facades are the improvement of the architecture of the building "be more aesthetic", reduce the cost of the device and better intercept the solar rays in winter where the hot water needs are the most important. The prototypes built have been tested during three successive days in July 2017 under a clear sky without a cloud for a climate of South Tunisian "Gabes". The climate parameters (ambient temperature, solar flux) have been followed and it was determined the effectiveness of the devices. The performance obtained from solar heating system to the water is very encouraging and it outperforms the existing systems of solar sensors. In effect, the two configurations of the solar water heater wall, with integrated storage (IWSWH) and thermosiphon (ThWSWH) have leads to thermal performance of the order of 50% and the temperature values very satisfactory for the obtaining of the hot water (lukewarm) with a maximum value of 40°C for ThWSWH and 50°C for IWSWH.

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European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (EFITA)
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International Institute of Organised Research (I2OR)
Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Secret Search Engine Labs

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