
Biodiesel from Used Cooking Oil - Future Potential Gold.

Shubham Mukherjee

Making your own fuel from vegetable oil or rather waste vegetable oil i.e. the oil which has been used for cooking and other purposes can be easy, cost effective, and environmentally beneficial. What makes this fuel even more attractive is that you can make it from the waste vegetable oil produced. In a country like the United States every year, which amounts to more than three billion gallons. With a bit of know-how and persistence, you can run any diesel engine on vegetable oil. Only diesel engines can run on vegetable oil-based fuels. This means that any engine that has spark plugs and is made for leaded or unleaded gasoline cannot use vegetable oil fuel. In this research paper, the focus has been made on how to make biodiesel which can be used by diesel engines from used cooking oil found in the kitchens.

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European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (EFITA)
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International Institute of Organised Research (I2OR)
Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Secret Search Engine Labs

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