
A Novel Approach for Rectification of Data Aggregation for Multiple Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks

Subanivedhi N K, Rekha M

For wireless sensor networks, large amount of transmission is decreased by a data aggregation scheme. To conceal communication during data aggregation homomorphic encryptions have been applied. Adversaries are not able to compromise the aggregators because they work on the encrypted data. But this does not satisfy multi-application environment because decrypting ciphertexts from different application will be incorrect. This scheme is insecure if sensor nodes are compromised. The base station does not have knowledge of aggregated result. An extended new concealed data aggregation scheme from the existing homomorphic public encryption scheme is proposed. This is built for multi-application environment. By CDAMA (Concealed Data Aggregation Scheme for Multiple Application), the ciphertexts from different application can be encapsulated into only one ciphertexts. The base station obtains application related data from single aggregated ciphertexts. It also reduces the settlement of single application environment attacks. It reduces the damage caused by unauthorized aggregations. It is also planned for secure counting capability. In this proposed system, ECDAMA (Enhanced Concealed Data Aggregation Scheme for Multiple Application) is designed to mitigate the impact of compromising a single aggregator by storing the replica of main aggregator in sub aggregator and to discover an alternate route to the base station is performed.

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Academic Keys
Cosmos IF
Hamdard University
World Catalogue of Scientific Journals
International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF)
International Institute of Organised Research (I2OR)

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