आयतन 11, मुद्दा 2 (2023)

शोध आलेख

Application of Tailored Nanofiltration Membranes for Removal of IBP, NPR and DCF from Wastewater Effluents

  •  Ambareen Atisha*, Mark Bernards, Ernest K Yanful, Wojciech Kujawski

परिप्रेक्ष्य आलेख

Clinical Research of Fullerenes Nanotubes and its Applications

  • Gene Peters

परिप्रेक्ष्य आलेख

Importance of Nanosponges and its Applications in Drug Delivery System

  • Samuel Daniel

समीक्षा लेख

Advances in Novel Drug Delivery Strategies for Targeting Brain Tumors: An Insight

  • Aman Mishra, Priyanka Bajpai*, Om Prakash

में अनुक्रमित

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Cosmos IF
Hamdard University
International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF)
International Institute of Organised Research (I2OR)
Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research

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